Evaluation of replicas

The replica method means that an image (replica) is taken on site of a sanded, polished and etched area that is of interest.

Our laboratory offers the possibility for evaluations of made replicas, principally considering structure, creep deformations and cracks.

This line of operation is foremost aimed towards the process industry, where unplanned production stops are costly.

Contact person

Johan Ageryd
Head of Metallography
Phone: +46 (0)31-65 64 94

Lars Andersson
Head of Breakdown and Damage Examinations
Phone: +46 (0)31-65 64 86



Swedac Ackrediteringsmärke 5622


Safe Control Materialteknik AB is accredited since 2001 and has had flexible accreditation since 2016. 

All testing takes place against European and international standards.

See our Scope of Accreditation »

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